Guided Meditation:
Ease, Letting Go and Vital Life
Ease, Letting Go and Vital Life
17-Minute Guided Meditation
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This spontaneous and unscripted meditation guides the attention to the natural ease and relaxation of the body – “In this sense of easiness is an implicit letting go, there’s no holding on.”
The attention is then guided to the source of this ease and relaxation – “This ease is really an inner vitality – our inner, vital, energetic flow. It’s always here, this inner flow. This is our own life, our own life force. And it is everywhere throughout our body, permeating our body. Not as something we need to imagine, but an actuality – this vital life.
You can feel it as your own sensation of your body. This vital life is manifesting as the tingling of your body.”
Recorded in a private meditation session on 17/2/2024.