Guided Meditation: Moving Through Resistance, Restlessness and Emotion
Moving Through Resistance, Restlessness and Emotion
16-Minute Guided Meditation
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This meditation helps guide and assist when you are restless, feel an inner resistance to someone or something (including meditation), or feeling stuck in an emotion.
You are guided to be fully aware of the resistance, restlessness or emotion you are feeling - without thinking about it. This is the key.
This reduces the tendency to struggle or fight with the resistance/emotion, or the urge to avoid meditation altogether.
A peace is present when discomfort or emotional pain is fully accepted and allowed. This peace is the absence of the tension created by fighting and opposing.
And without the fuel provided by inner conflict, the pain and tension dissipates, releases or reduces.
“Peace comes when we stop fighting what we are trying to avoid. If we just fully allow it, then there is a release. A release somewhere in our psyche and we can just relax and settle in.
The discomfort can still be present. It doesn’t have to go for us to feel peace.” - Extract from meditation